Especially when you eat lots of them.
Since I posted last I have been busy but not really doing anything significant. My hamstring has finally started to feel better. I took some more time off and also tried using a rub recommended to me by one of my basketball players. The deep blue oil and lotion by doterra. Not cheap but they did a decent job. The combination with a little rest has relieved some of the pain. I am still going to follow through and go to my doctor appointment on February 4th. But at least I am back to playing basketball and soccer.
I started practicing basketball with my team everyday. I even try to do all the drills and occasionally I will condition with them. I am attempting to motivate them. Practices are definitely more intense when I play with them. However, I am not in good enough shape to condition with them everyday. We still are not winning many games but I do love the girls and they are getting better!
Last weekend I helped Amber lay her hard wood floor. It was similar to when I layed my own. I was super sore the next day. Manual labor is so not for me. It was a reminder that I actually do enjoy doing those kinds of things. It is so rewarding to do something with your hands and to do it on your own.
I have a student teacher. She is just getting ready to take over most of my classes. Friday was so nice because I actually had time to clean my office while she taught.
Attempted to snow shoe. It was more of a hike but it still felt great to get out in the fresh air.
I have been making it to the gym most mornings. I think that is because of the mild weather. It is so much easier to leave the house when it is dark when the temperatures are not in the teens.
I have been reading lots!
I have to give a talk tomorrow. I have read and thought about it all week but inspiration was non-existent. This morning I cleaned, napped, washed my car, did basically everything but write my talk. Finally I went to the temple and my thoughts finally seemed to make sense. THANKFULLY! We will see how it goes tomorrow.
I got the best sugar cookie recipe ever from one of my players. Her mom made me these cookies and they are delicious. Not healthy, at all, but seriously so yummy! So I made a bunch for lots of different people now I just need to deliver them.
Went to this movie with Dan and Katie:

It was really really good.
Have enjoyed trying a new Thai restaurant: The Spicey Thai and dinner at the Cracker Barrel (with Shaanta and Emily).
Life has been busy but sweet.