January: sent Anthony on his mission
February: Biked in the St George century
April: Spring break in San Diego

April: My cousin Joel got married

End of April: Bought a new car
May: Visited Zion's and Grand Canyon National Park for Memorial Day
June: Arches National Park

June and July: Caleb came to stay and we did yellowstone, timp caves, and various hikes in Provo.

July: My Dad turned 60, family vacation in Tahoe
July: Girls weekend with friends from high school in Vegas
July: Hiking the Tetons
August: Bryce Canyon with Sam and Amanda

August: My Mom came to town for my graduation from grad school.
September: Hiking Ben Lommand for Labor Day

October: Sam gets maried
October: I run my first and maybe last half-marathon

October: I become an aunt

November: Learning to make chocolates with cousins and aunts

December: visited family and friends in Utah and California
Visited Oroville 5 times
Visited 6 National Parks
Played endless hours of basketball
Biked 2000 miles when I combine my odometers for both bikes
Hiked a ton, including the annual timp hike
Put 13,000 miles on my new car
Visited with friends a lot
Missed Church 7x, do better next year
Yep, 2009 was good. Can't wait to see what 2010 brings.