I am going to try and wrap up summer. Man it went too fast. I loved all the biking, hiking and naps. It is always hard to step back into school and start cross country right away. It is exhausting.
Sam and Amanda's kids had one last sleepover. I have taken lots of pictures of Audrey and Summit this year so we can see how they have grown, mostly Summit.
Erica and I were finally able to match up out schedules and sneak in a hike. It was pouring rain and so we waited in the car for 40 minutes at the trailhead. It was a crazy summer storm. The dogs were CRAZY in the car. We hiked up south fork and got a great workout. We were very wet by the end and our dogs were covered in stickers.
I got my haircut right before school started.
Summit will sometimes pause to watch TV. It cracks me up.
I got Audrey a bigger bike. I found a 20inch on KSL for a great deal. I replaced the tire and oiled all the parts. The bike is almost too big for her. I was so proud of her for being so brave and learning to ride a big bike. It is so hard to move up bike sizes when you are little. She went from a 12inch to a 20inch. It took her about 5 minutes of practice to figure it out.
Summit has figured out how to look out the windows. She is so curious. I love watching puppies learn and grow.
The start of the school year was so hard this year. I had a feeling it would be because I had to take a nap everyday this summer. I was just struggling and so tired. The year started and I had the craziest headaches and was miserable two evenings every week. Finally I got an MRI and they found out I have a bulging disc in my neck. That helped me feel a little validated. I have been working with Dr. Street, a nucca chiropractor and a physical therapist to help reduce the pain. I have seen some good results with the chiropractor. I finally broke down and asked Caleb to give me a blessing. I don't know why that is so hard. But he and Dan came to the rescue on an especially hard week. The blessing brought so much peace and I have been kicking myself for waiting so long to ask for a blessing. I am so grateful they were both willing to sacrifice their time to help.
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