Brownie Updates

Brownie Updates
this is the life

Sunday, March 2, 2008


So yesterday the day started out beautifully, it was 60 degrees and so I decided I needed to ride my bike. Well I didn't have anything else really important to do all day, besides homework, and so I decided it would be really fun to go on a long ride. So I put on my warm gear and headed off to Sandy. Well it was a great ride there and I probably saw 30 other bikers while I biked because it was so gorgeous out. I biked to my aunts (aunt Nancy) and rested, stretched, and ate for about 45 minutes and then headed back to Provo. Well who knew a storm was blowing in? Next thing I knew it was so windy I could barely stay on my bike. I was scared of crashing and afraid of all the tumble weed flying all over the place. It was crazy and I was just silently praying that I could get home without crashing and before it started to snow. I did make it home safely before the snow but it had dropped 20 degrees by the time I got home. (Apparently other bikers got the storm memo because no one else was biking in the afternoon as I headed home.) All in all it was a good adventure and a great 67 mile bike ride. I LOVE BIKING SEASON!!! Being outside reminded me of how grateful I am for the beautiful world we live in and especially for being healthy enough to do the things I love. And in case you were wondering it did snow. LAME!


Angelee said...

67 miles??? Wow. That is a long car ride, not to mention on a bike. You're amazing...and please be careful. You've already been hit, we don't need anything else to happen to you!!!

shauna said...

I am always envious of your life. That would be amazing to say "I rode my bike 67 miles today." Instead, our weather problem was that I planted flowers because it was 70 degrees out and the next had to cover them because it snowed all day long. And then the very next day we went to the park without jackets because it was hot again. I know, that is not nearly as cool as your story.

jana said...

This really isn't Jana. It's Ben. You're blog made me laugh. (not the almost crashing part)

Parley and Katie Call said...

You should come down and bike REd Rock before it gets too hot...:)

Angelee said...

I'm taking it upon myself to make a goal for you. I want you to update your blog once a week. (Sundays would be nice) All week you can think about it and get a nice little picture ready to post. Anything you'd like. Will you do that?

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