Sam stopped by this afternoon with Andrew and I got a couple of really cute pictures of him and Moki. I rarely print pictures these days but I do print my blog book every year so I wanted to make sure these cuties made it in:)
This little boy is so sweet. Moki always amazes me around kids. She is so patient with them. I love that about her. Let's be honest if she could not handle being around my nieces and nephews she would have to go.
Brownie Updates

this is the life
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Best of 2013
I love looking through my pictures at the end of the year. I am always shocked at how much I actually do every year. I can never remember all the little things or a lot of the big things, which is why I blog. 2013 was a great year!!! I spent lots of time with family. There were some changes in my life. Coaching changes, church responsibility changes, housing situation changes and I am sure there were others as well. My family was blessed. I picked my two favorite pictures from each month to highlight the year. This was so hard.
January: Snowshoeing
Andrews baby blessing
February: Moki's first hair cut
Visiting California and playing with my favorite little people
March: Andrew
Freezing at every track meet and cursing the sport (not a lot of options in March)
April: California again, holy cow. This time for the Easter surprise!
Braxton at the beach. Maybe one of my most favorite pictures of all time
May: Andrew the day Caleb opened his mission call
Moki actually sleeping! In the car even.
June: Some of my favorite people, man I love these boys.
Sending Caleb off. Amanda photobombing the picture is my favorite in this one
July: Long awaited and anticipated trip to Hawaii
The Napoli coast
August: Gearing up for back to school. Bringing the dog to work
Annual timp hike
September: A selfie (not as much to chose from)
Erica visits Utah
October: California again
Loving the Fort Bragg scenery
November: Family comes here for Thanksgiving
Moki feeling neglected while we eat our Thanksgiving feast
December: If I had only picked two pictures all year it would have been these two. Running with my pup.
This picture has been on this blog enough but it is hands down one of my favorite ever.
It was an amazing year. Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me!
January: Snowshoeing
Andrews baby blessing
February: Moki's first hair cut
Visiting California and playing with my favorite little people
March: Andrew
Freezing at every track meet and cursing the sport (not a lot of options in March)
April: California again, holy cow. This time for the Easter surprise!
Braxton at the beach. Maybe one of my most favorite pictures of all time
May: Andrew the day Caleb opened his mission call
Moki actually sleeping! In the car even.
June: Some of my favorite people, man I love these boys.
Sending Caleb off. Amanda photobombing the picture is my favorite in this one
July: Long awaited and anticipated trip to Hawaii
The Napoli coast
August: Gearing up for back to school. Bringing the dog to work
Annual timp hike
September: A selfie (not as much to chose from)
Erica visits Utah
October: California again
Loving the Fort Bragg scenery
November: Family comes here for Thanksgiving
Moki feeling neglected while we eat our Thanksgiving feast
December: If I had only picked two pictures all year it would have been these two. Running with my pup.
This picture has been on this blog enough but it is hands down one of my favorite ever.
It was an amazing year. Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for me!
California and back again
This year I had the worst start to a trip ever. We left two and a half hours after I had planned. BOO!!! There was a storm, trouble with the rental car, basketball practice. In the end it was fine it just meant a really long day. As hard as it was to get out of Utah the roads were dry which was so nice. Nancy joined me. It always a treat to travel with her. This year I didn't even pack my nice camera. That meant I didn't take many pictures. So fun seeing these two cuties. Love them so much!
I had Ben and Katie this year and I got the kids sleeping bags and pajamas. Not the most "fun" present, but practical.
My mom has a really beautiful Christmas tree! The kids thought it was so funny that she had an apple ornament. It was hilarious how funny it was to them.
Christmas Eve. Sporting the pajamas their parents got them. Such cuties. It is really challenging to get 4 little, tired kids to look at the camera.
The weather in Oroville was amazing. No rain. Mid 60's and 70's everyday. That alone was such a treat, not to mention all the treats I ate. I love spending time with my parents. I feel so blessed. I was able to see immediate and extended family as well as visit with a few friends. I hate that my trips are so short and that I always miss so many people that come to town after Christmas. What do you do?
The sign of a successful Christmas Day is one worn out puppy. She has been so lazy since we have gotten home. I think she is worn out form all the attention she got.
One of my favorite activities was going to this movie with the little girls:
I loved the movie. The girls loved it and it was so much fun to watch them during the movie. I have been listening to the soundtrack since. So fun!
I was also able to see Saving Mr. Banks.
I really enjoyed this show. It was very fascinating to learn about Mary Poppins.
The trip back to Utah was great! Again the roads were clear. Anthony got me the olloclip lens for my phone. I didn't really get to do much with it until I got back to Provo. It has been fun to play around with.
Last night Dan, Anthony, and I went grocery shopping and my car would not start. So annoying!!!!! We spent a really long time in the parking lot. Dan's roomate came to give us a jump. It didn't work. Finally I just called my roadside assistance. They wanted to just tow it but I asked him to try to give us a jump first. Despite Anthony insisted that there was no way it was a battery problem. It started and after an hour lost we were on our way. Breaking down in the winter is no Bueno.
Today I was so lucky to have Sariah come visit. She only had a couple of hours but I have not seen her in years. I also had never met her sweet baby boy Dylan. It is always a treat to catch up in person. I love that we can easily catch up. My years on my mission and at BYU with her were so fun. I am blessed to have her as a lifelong friend.
Moki mid yawn.
My Mom made the best soup while I was home. I made it tonight. It has so many vegetables to chop. I felt like other than church I spent the day in the kitchen. Afterwards it looked like a tornado had gone through. I am pretty sure it is the dirtiest my kitchen has ever been. Do you ever feel like food just isn't as good when you cook it? The soup was great but I enjoyed it so much more when my mom slaved over it all day instead of me. How sad is that?
This Christmas season I have felt so grateful for the blessings the Lord has provided. My family is safe. They all have work. We are somewhat healthy. All blessings that can change so quickly. The Lord has really blessed my life and I am so grateful.
So excited to have a week to recoup from traveling. This week I have basketball and a long list of things to get in order before I head back to work.
I had Ben and Katie this year and I got the kids sleeping bags and pajamas. Not the most "fun" present, but practical.
My mom has a really beautiful Christmas tree! The kids thought it was so funny that she had an apple ornament. It was hilarious how funny it was to them.
Christmas Eve. Sporting the pajamas their parents got them. Such cuties. It is really challenging to get 4 little, tired kids to look at the camera.
The weather in Oroville was amazing. No rain. Mid 60's and 70's everyday. That alone was such a treat, not to mention all the treats I ate. I love spending time with my parents. I feel so blessed. I was able to see immediate and extended family as well as visit with a few friends. I hate that my trips are so short and that I always miss so many people that come to town after Christmas. What do you do?
The sign of a successful Christmas Day is one worn out puppy. She has been so lazy since we have gotten home. I think she is worn out form all the attention she got.
One of my favorite activities was going to this movie with the little girls:
I loved the movie. The girls loved it and it was so much fun to watch them during the movie. I have been listening to the soundtrack since. So fun!
I was also able to see Saving Mr. Banks.
I really enjoyed this show. It was very fascinating to learn about Mary Poppins.
The trip back to Utah was great! Again the roads were clear. Anthony got me the olloclip lens for my phone. I didn't really get to do much with it until I got back to Provo. It has been fun to play around with.
Last night Dan, Anthony, and I went grocery shopping and my car would not start. So annoying!!!!! We spent a really long time in the parking lot. Dan's roomate came to give us a jump. It didn't work. Finally I just called my roadside assistance. They wanted to just tow it but I asked him to try to give us a jump first. Despite Anthony insisted that there was no way it was a battery problem. It started and after an hour lost we were on our way. Breaking down in the winter is no Bueno.
Today I was so lucky to have Sariah come visit. She only had a couple of hours but I have not seen her in years. I also had never met her sweet baby boy Dylan. It is always a treat to catch up in person. I love that we can easily catch up. My years on my mission and at BYU with her were so fun. I am blessed to have her as a lifelong friend.
My Mom made the best soup while I was home. I made it tonight. It has so many vegetables to chop. I felt like other than church I spent the day in the kitchen. Afterwards it looked like a tornado had gone through. I am pretty sure it is the dirtiest my kitchen has ever been. Do you ever feel like food just isn't as good when you cook it? The soup was great but I enjoyed it so much more when my mom slaved over it all day instead of me. How sad is that?
This Christmas season I have felt so grateful for the blessings the Lord has provided. My family is safe. They all have work. We are somewhat healthy. All blessings that can change so quickly. The Lord has really blessed my life and I am so grateful.
So excited to have a week to recoup from traveling. This week I have basketball and a long list of things to get in order before I head back to work.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Christmas.....who's got time for that
Wow, I have never been so busy in my entire life. I wasn't home before 10pm after Monday all week. Between basketball, mutual. temple trips, oh and basketball I am having an extremely busy December. Good thing you can shop online or no one in my family would be getting any presents.
I know I posted this one last week but I love the way it looks with the edits I used on my phone. This little guy is so cute.
I have not been the best dog owner the past month. Moki gets her runs, food, and some love but I have not made time to brush her. Due to the lack of brushing she had a few trouble spots and they had to shave her. Poor puppy!!!
It does not stop her from tromping in the snow and playing with Titan. I bought her a snowman sweater. It keeps her nice and warm:)
If I were going to send a Christmas card it might look like one of the pictures below. Spoiled and happy puppy.
Yesterday I went to the temple with the young women. It was so nice. As busy and crazy as the week has been it was a great way to end the week. After we did baptisms we ate at the Nauvoo Cafe, which was delicious, and then walked around temple square. Our young women are great it is fun to spend time with them.
One more week of craziness and then Christmas break!
I know I posted this one last week but I love the way it looks with the edits I used on my phone. This little guy is so cute.
I have not been the best dog owner the past month. Moki gets her runs, food, and some love but I have not made time to brush her. Due to the lack of brushing she had a few trouble spots and they had to shave her. Poor puppy!!!
It does not stop her from tromping in the snow and playing with Titan. I bought her a snowman sweater. It keeps her nice and warm:)
If I were going to send a Christmas card it might look like one of the pictures below. Spoiled and happy puppy.
Yesterday I went to the temple with the young women. It was so nice. As busy and crazy as the week has been it was a great way to end the week. After we did baptisms we ate at the Nauvoo Cafe, which was delicious, and then walked around temple square. Our young women are great it is fun to spend time with them.
One more week of craziness and then Christmas break!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Getting Adjusted
Basketball season is in full swing and I am finally feeling normal. It isn't easy but I have a schedule that seems to work figured out. If I am not available and you are concerned assume I am at basketball.
The varsity girls are 3-0 which is awesome. It has been fun and rewarding to coach older girls. The JV girls are 2-1. This week we play two good teams so it should stretch us a little bit.
Last week I kicked the Christmas season off right with Anthony, watching Elf. Love that movie.
The weather in Utah is CRAZY! The week of Thanksgiving it was in the 70's most days, last week it didn't get out of the teens three days. We also got dumped on in the snow department. The cold temperatures and the snow reminded me to revisit treadmill exercise for Moki. I am not a master teacher because she is still scared to death. It was better this time. We conquered a few minutes at 2 MPH.
She did better when I wasn't on the treadmill with her.
I would love to be able to let her get her run done on the treadmill, especially on cold days. This morning we ran and the temperature was 5 degrees. It took ten minutes just to not be in pain every time I took a breath.
Saturday after spending the entire day doing basketball stuff Moki and I finally made it out for a four mile run. We just ran up the canyon. The path was covered in snow. We were the only ones which is nice because I could let Moki off leash.
I made cookies for Dan and Joel's wassail party. These are the best cookies ever. I only make them once a year. So yummy!
Anthony and Samanda and crew came over for Sunday dinner.
I took a couple cute pictures.
This little dude was hamming it up for the camera.
We decided his parents should get in on the action
He crawled away when he decided he was done.
I love this time of year. It is crazy busy but I love trying to find the perfect gift, I love spending more time reflecting on the Savior, I love Christmas music, and I love time off of work.
The varsity girls are 3-0 which is awesome. It has been fun and rewarding to coach older girls. The JV girls are 2-1. This week we play two good teams so it should stretch us a little bit.
Last week I kicked the Christmas season off right with Anthony, watching Elf. Love that movie.
The weather in Utah is CRAZY! The week of Thanksgiving it was in the 70's most days, last week it didn't get out of the teens three days. We also got dumped on in the snow department. The cold temperatures and the snow reminded me to revisit treadmill exercise for Moki. I am not a master teacher because she is still scared to death. It was better this time. We conquered a few minutes at 2 MPH.
She did better when I wasn't on the treadmill with her.
I would love to be able to let her get her run done on the treadmill, especially on cold days. This morning we ran and the temperature was 5 degrees. It took ten minutes just to not be in pain every time I took a breath.
Saturday after spending the entire day doing basketball stuff Moki and I finally made it out for a four mile run. We just ran up the canyon. The path was covered in snow. We were the only ones which is nice because I could let Moki off leash.
I made cookies for Dan and Joel's wassail party. These are the best cookies ever. I only make them once a year. So yummy!
Anthony and Samanda and crew came over for Sunday dinner.
I took a couple cute pictures.
This little dude was hamming it up for the camera.
We decided his parents should get in on the action
He crawled away when he decided he was done.
I love this time of year. It is crazy busy but I love trying to find the perfect gift, I love spending more time reflecting on the Savior, I love Christmas music, and I love time off of work.
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Audrey's Dance Recital
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Saturday lots of extended family joined us in Fort Bragg for some fun. We ate delicious food and watched BYU stink it up and then headed to...
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