I biked a few times this week. I did squaw peak on Monday. That was hard. I probably should have done a flat day and given the climbing muscles in my legs one more day to rest since I did the alpine loop Saturday but oh well. I also did a little playing with my cousins kids. We watched a tutorial on you-tube and made duct tape wallets. Very fun. Oh and I wore a hat. Mainly because I biked and played soccer yesterday and didn't wash my hair when I showered. But this is big for me because I am self-conscious when I wear a hat. Probably because I feel like a look a lot like my brothers. So I don't normally chose to wear one.
Shaanta and Emily showed up at my house about 2 minutes after I finished my bike ride. So here is some shots of Shaanta and I in our biking gear. Her bike goes a little faster than mine and luckily for her the clothes she wears when she bikes aren't as tight as mine.
I also finished all my work hours this week. Halleluiah! Unfortunately I also got my letter in the mail from the school informing me of when I go back. I hate that letter. It makes the end of summer seem so near. It is a bummer every year. I have two more projects I need to complete before I head back to school and hopefully I can fit in some time for hiking. So much to do and so little time!
Did I mention I took Jana to COSTCO and she bought the entire store out? I wish I had pictures of the two carts. Shopping for 40 is crazy talk and we only covered a small portion of the list.
LaNell - you are just awesome!
Wanna come do my closet?!? :) I'd have to pay you for that. Your room looks good.
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